Saturday, February 4, 2017

The crazy thing I did that saved me $1000 a month!!!!!!!

What is the craziest thing you've ever done to save a buck? For me what I'm about to tell you is the craziest thing I've ever done to save money. Now, before I tell you what that very thing was, let me first go over a few things that lead me to this decision.

Let's rewind almost three years. I'm going through the big D, and don't mean Dallas. Yep, I filed for a divorce. Yikes! Right? Maybe, maybe not. Let me just say this, divorce is not cheap, it's a very last resort. In my case I tried for 16 years. How has this changed my life? I had to start making my own desicions in the process which has been very freeing, but also scary. I also have a three year old and a six year old that are effected by the desicions I make so I have to make them wisely, and carefully.

My life recently got a little rough. My income was reduced by 50%...which was financially devastating. I had to make some quick decisions. The decision I made will save me roughly $1000 a month. What would you do with an extra $1000 a month? Save for retirement? Go on a trip? Paying for your children's college expenses?

For me the extra savings will eventually put me in a mortgage free living situation. I'm going to build a tiny home! Now in order to do this and make it happen debt free I had to do something even crazier. I will be living in an rv for a few months and I couldn't be happier! Lately I have been so inspired by people living in different ways. One couple on YouTube travels in an rv and has nine kids, so it makes my situation look like a cake walk. There are people that are building tiny homes out of trailers, containers, even pallets, just to live a simpler and cheaper life, which allows them time I think we in this country have forgotten how to,!

We are slaves to consumer debt, credit cards, car payments, payments on everything. So what's wrong with that you might be saying, it's just a way of life. So what happens when you lose your job? The economy tanks or you become sick or get hurt? What happens is you then start missing payments, then you start losing stuff. This is a scary situation, a situation that binds people to a lifestyle they hate...being chained to your desk by an invisible chain. Break free from that chain by thinking more creatively. The first thing you need to do is let go of fear and the biggest step...stop caring what others will be thinking or saying. I had to do this and it's the most freeing thing I could have do to find happiness.

So what will I be up this month? I will start by rehabbing an older 80's rv. the first step is a through cleaning, carpet and paint. I will be taking before and after pics, stay tuned for more on this crazy journey. I will try to do some videos as well and I will be posting on my Mommies Frugal Finds YouTube channel.

Take care peeps. 😁

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